Weather in Warsaw

As one of the chilliest cities in Europe, Warsaw shares a climate akin to other northern capitals like Oslo, Stockholm, or Copenhagen. Discover the best time of year to visit Warsaw.

Poland has a mild continental climate, with below-freezing temperatures in winter and summers averaging 18°C (64°F).

Warsaw in winter

Winter in Poland is significantly longer than in other southern European countries. The temperature in Warsaw drops considerably from October to April, with thermometers averaging -5°C (23°F) in January and February.

If you plan to travel to Warsaw in winter, don't forget a scarf, a good coat, and footwear suitable for walking in the snow, which is quite frequent in the capital. Although the snowy capital acquires a special charm, Warsaw's weather in these months can make it difficult for outdoor tourism.

Warsaw in summer

Warsaw summers are mild and pleasant. The average temperature in the months of June, July, and August ranges between 18°C (64.4°F) and 22°C (71.6°F), so Warsaw's weather at this time is ideal for strolling around the city without worrying about the heat.

Interestingly, summer rain is quite frequent in Warsaw. July is the month of the year with the most precipitation.

Best time to travel to Warsaw

The best time to travel to Warsaw is in the spring and summer months. The days are longer, you'll enjoy more daylight hours, and the opening hours of museums and monuments in Warsaw are extended. In addition, the price of accommodation doesn't rise excessively.

For all these reasons, if you have no schedule conflicts, we recommend traveling to Warsaw between May and September.